Monday, July 18, 2011

*** "a terrorized fairy hammers a vessel beside a tornado" 

my "weekly sketch group"'s work, feel satisfy with it, everything goes smooth, but bad that, there is something trouble me when i am drawing, but it doesn't matter, i enjoyed the progress.

and welcome to see our group's works also: [link]

time: didn't count, fb here and chat there, but i think it took me almost 2.5 hours...maybe

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

figure sketch 4th of July

Figure sketching for figure class students.

and here is the step by step, and the fina; outcome

Just an idea about how the expected outcome should be....

i spent 2 and an half hours and even my lunch time for this,

 people don't treasure it never mind,
 i have nothing to loss but have gained my experience.  : )


Monday, July 4, 2011

another weekly sketchZinga work.
the tittle is about

*** a militarized tripod greets a barbarian on top of a chasm" ***

i think i did it more than 2 hours , fb here, and research there...
i tried to do it in painter, wanted to create some paint stroke, and then due to very inflexible to me, so i refined it on PS.

the robot seems stupid, actually i should research it or sketch it before start my drawing....sigh...

enjoy~~and here is our DA group:

Sunday, June 19, 2011

red riding hood in ancient china?

tittle for this week SketchZinga
-Red Riding Hood in ancient china?-

an experiment, a practice for me and my contest.

red riding hood in ancient china(k, i knew it doesn't seem like china)? y is she there? will she see panda there? instead of wolf?

welcome to see our page: sketchzinga
medium: ps 7.0
time: 2 hours

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

rider....conceptual drawing

actually i wanted to do some cool vehicle things, maybe can draw the impression image first, maybe in a short time......but, i adjusted the design and the feeling of it, keep refining, rough detail, texture, the overall feeling...

so, here it is. the first sketch. will refine it and upload, FYA.~~

medium: ps7.0
refer: craig mullin artworks
time: about 1 and half hour.

Monday, June 13, 2011

digital charcoal style

digital charcoal drawing style....
inspired by Henry Yan artist.
would try more and learn more, although have never try do portrait drawing in traditional charcoal medium.

medium: ps7.0

Monday, June 6, 2011

crying 1

 still in progress..........i think.....

sketchZinga week 3

*** a hidden in the shade convicts rocks an alien in an attic" 

-alien in an attic and are trying to escape. he use his communicate way to communicate to his planet .

-a boy and a girl saw it, and they see balls~~~

okay, i think i misunderstood the tittle or wat...
just draw what i imagined.
hope u guys like it~~
btw, why alien want to escape, may find the answer through what he is "wearing"....

here is our DA group:

Sunday, June 5, 2011

sketchZinga week 2

~~~ an angelic bench of creatures destroys a geisha in the flowers~~~
my classmate suggested to create a sketch group, every sunday from 9pm to 11pm, two hour time to produce an artwork base on generator  "random" tittle.

it was fun, we dun treat it as an assignment for lecturer ,client, or boss.  may draw randomly but not not simply, base on tittle , but it dun limit our imagination,  draw for fun but not alone.

it is not only for those people who good on drawing, also for everyone those who love drawing, although 2 hours maybe is too short for them.....

here is our DA group:

may 29, sunday.
medium: ps 7.0
time: 2 hours

Sunday, April 3, 2011

progress of "Reading", and final.

arrr....due to there were something needed to do and rush, so until now i only can continue and finish this drawing. this is my progress. about the final result, i have tried to make it like water colour technique style, but duno it is nice or not,so just post it here.hope u guys like it.

medium: ps 7.0


Tuesday, March 8, 2011


just suddenly think of want to draw something, got a image flashed on my mind, then just drew it out.
quick and rough, but just wanted to draw the feeling out.

"a cloudy day, a girl is reading book, she sits near to the window, there is a wonderful view. wind blow in, book are flipped, her hair is floating in the air, just let it be."

medium: ps7.0

Sunday, March 6, 2011

mega uncounter

megaman tribute for udon entertainment.
it seems like not to be chosen, but never mind, it was a good practice to me.
hope u guys like it, and congratulation to those who drawing be chosen.

meduim: ps7.0

Thursday, February 24, 2011

miyavi 雅

i know that i doesn't seem like miyavi, but just like his style, his "look".
so just randomly draw him like what i imagined.
about the drawing style,  it made me feel a bit like inoue takehiko drawing style (slam dunk's artist), wonder how do people think~~~~ 

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


为什么要画“鸡”? 没有为什么,就看教学书里的教程,忽然感兴趣,便随便的想画一种美丽的鸡,羽毛多多,尾巴长长的那类,结果搜索结果出现了这个,便决定的画了。
说实在的,reference是少的可怜,就将就将就吧, 就凭想象,好像也不容易。散而不乱的羽毛,真的很难画.......
time:about 20~22 days......(include eat, sleep. play, crap, facebook......)
medium: corel painter and ps 7.0

megaman tribute之 progress

一月未完成的比赛作品,megaman trubute。 如果作品被接受,虽然不会有奖状或奖金,但是将会会被登于udon的megaman tribute书里。



Thursday, February 10, 2011


just random. 
please don't ask me why i drew this....

medium: painter x
time: 30min

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


 when i was doing my Pheasant drawing, suddenly i think of a msg drawing which done by a Japanese artist. so i stopped the progress of pheasant drawing, and just random drew that drawing by impression.
a half hour passed , so this is what i have done. feel quite satisfied.
corel painter has some amazing brush to make the drawing looks different, that's a good try and i feel so enjoy on it.

medium: corel painter x

Tuesday, February 8, 2011



Monday, February 7, 2011


      看着看着,忽然想起我的中学生涯, 跟我妹的比起,我想她的比我的丰富有趣多了, 不知觉得,我忽然觉得,好失败......

